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Dia de Los Muertos event in North Beach in our SunnyCo Studio Gallery

I had to postpone our event that was scheduled for October 30th due to Covid. Luckily, we had a surprisingly wonderful turn out on November 6th. We had quite the interested crew to participate in the costume preparation workshops; and then my family came from San Antonio to help and to be a part of honoring the life of my niece Erin Norman-Muñoz.

My niece was 39 years of age, a mother of a six-month baby girl, happily married, and loving her career in dentistry. While driving across an intersection near her home in San Antonio, in a thirty-mile drive zone, her life tragically ended when a man driving one hundred miles per hour struck their vehicle. She is with us, always in our hearts.

I hand sewed 6 corn husks apron. An homage to Erin. Six totomoxtle aprons represent a month in a life of joyful motherhood. She had looked forward to being a mom once she had a career she enjoyed and thrived in and a husband with many shared values, and I had never experienced our Erin to be ecstatically loving every moment of being a mom. And she looked forward to having another child.


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Bay Area, San Francisco, California

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