Two Exhibit Receptions This Weekend
At Live Worms
I'll be showing still lives oil paintings at Live Worms Gallery today Friday evening and during the annual North Beach Festival (now in its 63nd year) all day both Saturday and Sunday. In the midst of the festival’s live music and stuff, our lively group of talented folks will be selling unique paintings, drawings, photos, collages, handmade books, and crafts. This is my 3rd year!
Reception is this Fri evening 6-9, June 16 at Live Worms Gallery, 1345 Grant Ave.
You can see a variety of these new still lives on this website:
At Arc Gallery from June 17 through July 15
This is my second year participating in the Collage-O-Rama exhibition. I’ll be there, with 3 entirely new pieces on their walls and hanging around enjoying lots of artwork and crowds. And you can see a new body of work I am embarking on that is totally different in which I have begun to explore various inter-related topics: ancestry, immigration, bi-culuturalism, and bi-lingualism.
Reception is this Sat, June 17 from 7 to 9 pm. at Arc Studios & Gallery, 1246 Folsom St.
These are a few to start with: